ACC Book Ministry: Testimonies
Many people have expressed their appreciation to us for the books. Here are a few examples of experiences we have encountered when we go to take the books:
A young lady said she didn’t know the best way to teach her 3-year-old daughter about Jesus and found the books helpful. She said that she was trying to raise her child to know Jesus. She was very sincere and grateful for the books. We are always in great need of books and Bibles for children and teens. Sometimes the adults will read these books/Bibles because they are easier to understand.
One man who was there when we were putting out books and Bibles picked up a Gideon Bible that Bro. Eddie Coleman had donated. He asked if he could have it, and we told him that was what it was there for. He replied that he hadn’t read the Bible in a long time, that it was a good book, and that he needed to start reading it again.
Another man had driven in from Fayetteville for a late afternoon appointment with his officer. The man was told that the officer had left for the day and he had just missed him. Instead of getting upset like we expected, he remained calm. We were more upset than he was! We asked him if he would like to take a book back with him and told him at least he would not go back empty-handed. He picked up a Bible, said you can’t go wrong with the Good Book, and left. We wondered if it was all a part of God’s plan for him.
We met a young lady who shared her story with us. She had not planned to become a drug addict and do the things she did to support her habit. She was going through a bad divorce when a so-called friend offered her meth “to help her.” She tried it; it only took one time and she was hooked because it is so addictive. But she has since gotten off of it, found a nice Christian man, and is active in church. She was so excited about a brand new Bible that we had just put out. We truly believed that God meant it for her. It had a translation that was easier for her to understand than the KJV, and she was overjoyed about that. She had been at a bad place in her life, but she got away from drugs; God showed his love for her through that Bible. Several times we have discovered by our conversations with people in the waiting room that they had grown up in church or had a family member teach them from the Bible. But, they had drifted away from those teachings and were trying to get back to the way they had been raised.
We met a nice young man who asked us if we knew where he could find a job. We thought of a possibility, but couldn’t make contact with them. He sent a text later and saying it was ok that it didn’t work out and that what really mattered to him was that we tried. We kept in contact with him and found out that he had obtained a job in Little Rock working on cars. He told us he was saved and had been baptized. He thanked us for praying for him and for the words of encouragement. We hadn’t actually done anything to help him find a job except pray for him and show him we cared.
Several books and Bibles have been donated by the families of some of our members of Faith who have gone on to be with the Lord, like Jean West Laster and Lee Ann Hanshaw. These families were so generous to share their loved ones' books with us. Their witness lives on through the donation of their books to those who are in need of God’s guidance and encouragement in their lives.