This series focuses on the Old Testament appearances of God in physical form, which are known as “theophanies.” Though the actual incarnation of Jesus would be the ultimate fulfillment of all the other manifestations, they continue to reveal God’s redemptive purpose in Christ at work from the beginning.
Jesus spent the hours before His arrest, crucifixion, and death teaching. At this
moment, of all moments, He left behind vital truth for the ages in John 13-17.
These messages serve to focus our attention on the character of Jesus revealed in these three titles: Son of God, Son of Man, and Son of David. The goal is to prepare our hearts to celebrate the significance and hope of Easter.
Though the Proverbs were recorded centuries ago—mostly written by the wise man, Solomon—the truths of this book offer timeless instructions for living life. With 31 chapters, the book of Proverbs provides a chapter a day for the longest months, with a few days of reading two. This series of messages will bring God's wisdom to our modern lives.
This series of messages based on 2 Corinthians 4 discusses the nature of our lives as repositories of the treasure of the gospel. Our lives are not insignificant, but our true value and significance is determined by the treasure within.
In the Bible, names revealed character, and the name of Jesus in Revelation 19 is "Faithful and True." This series will discuss various ways that the faithfulness of Jesus plays out in our lives.
Christianity is a word used to describe everything from a religious identity to a political system of power. Utilizing selected passages of scripture, this series will take a brief look at the biblical essence of the Christian faith as it has often been summarized: becoming, believing, behaving, and belonging.
Directly in the middle of the book of Romans is the incredible message of Romans 8. Beginning with "no condemnation" and ending with "no seperation," this power-packed chapter gives amazing insight into how to make the Christian life work.
The story of Moses leading the children of Israel to the Promised Land has been rightly called “the hinge of history.” This series will discuss what God can do through an ordinary man surrendered to Him: Moses, the Man of God.
The year 2022 marks the 250th anniversary of one of America’s best-loved hymns, Amazing Grace. This series takes thoughts from each of the seven verses of this great old hymn and develops them with biblical truth. Take a journey with us through God’s amazing grace.
This brief series of messages considers the story of Isaac, who was not only a type of Christ, but also a type of us as believers in Christ. No matter how promising, life is not immune from the pull of the flesh, yet the promises and purposes of God remain secure.
The prophet Hosea was sent by God to a wicked and unfaithful nation. God worked so that Hosea's life became His message through his marriage to a wicked and unfaithful woman named Gomer. Out of it all comes God's great message of salvation and restoration through His redeeming love.
This series looks at the times when God spoke specifically to "little children" in the book of First John. Certainly, this applies to those who are young in age, but also to those who are young in their faith, regardless of how old they are physically. These are great truths packaged in simple language to both strengthen and encourage us.
God is our maker, and our feelings are a part of His divine design. This series discusses the emotional responses God intends for us to utilize as we "feel after Him."
Habakkuk is perhaps most famous for his declaration, "The just shall live by his faith" (2:4). It was quoted three times in the New Testament. We will watch as Habakkuk's famous faith takes him through to worship God even in the midst of trials—and perhaps learn that our faith can do the same for us.
The Gospel of Mark was written in troubled times. Jerusalem was fanning the flames of war, trying to overthrow the rule of Rome. Ensuing conflicts would bring years of catastrophic difficulty and persecution. Mark’s Gospel was injected into those chaotic times to get the message of Jesus—the truth of the gospel—into the hearts of people desperate for hope and help. The chaos of our day also calls out for the gospel; it’s a great time to tell the story of Jesus.
This series will take us through several passages that specifically fulfill the promise, “those things which are revealed.” God doesn’t tell us everything, but when He reveals something, it is our special treasure to live by and share with others.
True freedom is God’s gift to us through the cross of Christ, but freedom exists under constant attack and is easily lost. This series explores Paul’s letter to the Galatians to help us understand our freedom in Christ while experiencing and enjoying it.
This series considers the crucial biblical truth of justification by faith as highlighted in Romans 5 by the blessings and benefits it brings to those believing in Christ. Believing makes a difference.
An advertisement for today’s women said, "Seize the Minute." Of course, this constasts with the apparently antiquated motto, "Carpe Diem," or "seize the day." In our hurried world, it is important that we notice the places where God calls "time out" to remind us He is in charge of time as He is everything else. This series looks at passages where the eternal God speaks about our time—and His.
This series addresses the great calling on the Christian life: unity. In a world full of turmoil and threatening, God has designed His churches to operate in both diversity and unity as a testimony to a watching world that the gospel works.
Few characters in scripture stand out more than Jacob. Patriarch of Israel, Jacob would be used by God to bring the nation that bears his new name into existence. The story of how God changed Jacob into Israel shows how He moves us beyond our failures and shortcomings to accomplish His purpose for us.
God's Wisdom is to be held tightly because "she is your life" (Prov 4:13). Written to the Solomon's son, Wisdom is personified as a woman he should embrace: "She will bring you honor, when you embrace her" (Prov 4:8). Consider practical life lessons this great book calls us to embrace as if our life depends on it—because it does.
This brief series centers on one of the great Bible texts, John 3:16. Our best efforts only scratch the surface of this profound passage, but our goal is to discuss the ways God's love lives in us and changes us through Jesus Christ.
Our goal in this series of messages is to see how God works to make the grace we receive through Jesus Christ effective so that we don’t just have grace, we experience grace. We can’t work our way to grace, but grace works.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ wasn't established in a world of peaceful coexistence, but in a world of deep division and active conflict. The Gospel flourished. We will explore what the true religion of peace really is, how to experience it, and how desperately we need to preach it and live it in our world today.
God's unconditional covenant with Noah isn't something we think about often, but it has much to say about how our world operates and why. In this series we will consider the facts and the implications of one of the foundational ingredients of a Biblical Worldview: God's Covenant with Noah.
This series reveals how the people of God moved on after 40 years of wilderness wandering and the death of Moses so they could move in to the Promised Land. Like the New Testament book of Ephesians, the book of Joshua discusses how God's people can live out God's promises.
Jude wrote to a people whose faith was under fire. While persecution of the Christian faith is ongoing and growing around the world, it is the perversion of the Christian faith that poses the greater threat. This series will consider Jude’s call to faithfulness—a message greatly needed by believers today.
Psalm 37 contains a specific instruction repeated several times: "Do not fret." Fret refers to the feelings of worry and anxiety that so often occur when we're bothered by things we can't get past. God provides some valid alternatives to fretting in this Psalm that are greatly needed by believers today.
It was Pastor W.A. Criswell who famously suggested that people are “not prepared to live until they are prepared to die.” In this series we will discuss some of the classic passages that give us information about heaven and, most importantly, how to be certain you will go there. Are you sure? You can be!
Jesus Christ is the King over a very real kingdom. Every believer has bowed the knee to this King, but the world seems to be moving along somewhere between revolt and rebellion. Knowing these stories of the kingdom will help us to better understand both our King and His kingdom so we can serve Him more effectively.
This series reminds us that the Christian faith is not meant to be in isolation but in fellowship with other believers through the New Testament Church. Like a chair with four legs, our faith is strengthened and stabilized by these pillars of faith.
The story of Abraham is crucial to understanding the Bible and the world we live in. Perhaps even more importantly, Abraham is God’s “Exhibit A” of what it looks like to “live by faith.”
The question of all the ages was posed by Jesus Himself in Matthew 16:15: “Who do you say that I am?” Our response determines our eternal destiny. This Christmas series of messages will discuss five vital truths about Jesus, the Son of God.
The Bible never has been more available and accessible as it is today. It seldom has been as neglected. Psalm 119 was written to explain how precious it is to have God's Word and how important it is to read and study it.
Once we are saved, we are known from that moment on as "believers." This brief series of messages will consider the biblical passages that define the importance of faith in our lives. Are you a believer?
This short series of messages addresses some great philosophical questions for the Christian faith. From Does God Love Me? to Is Heaven Real? this series will bring clear, Biblical answers to those seeking authoritative truth.
“Reasonable doubt” is a concept built into our justice system and, in a way, into life. But “reasonable doubt” doesn't apply to the subject of eternity. Simon Peter was old and nearing the end of his life when he wrote Second Peter, a short, powerful book about facing eternity with confidence. We need a “know so” faith, not a “hope so” faith.
The church at Corinth was filled with people struggling to live their new lives in Christ. First Corinthians presents the truth of the cross—the power of the gospel—as the wisdom of God to help with our troubles. From personality conflicts to marriage problems to financial struggles to issues with sexuality and breaking with the world, this book runs the gauntlet of the issues Christians struggled with in Corinth—and ones we struggle with today. The gospel isn’t finished with us when it saves us, and that’s really good news.
| This Advent series of messages will consider the times when the Bible answers the question, "Why did Jesus come into the world?" Thus, even though it is overused, we will see the true "reason for the season" as God defines it.
| Colossians 2:10 makes the declaration, "You are complete in Him." Life and living have a way of creating a yearning—a problem compounded by the enemy who has been creating that yearning in the hearts of people since the garden of Eden. This series will discuss the truth that Christ makes us complete. Bring your yearning, searching soul to Jesus.
| The Old Testament book of Ezekiel is built around an expression used more than 70 times, “then they shall know that I am the LORD.” It was addressed to a dying nation needing the reminder that God is still God. Written long ago, this book is a mirror of reality to America today and the Christians in it longing for revival.
| It often has been repeated, "The heart of the problem is the problem of the heart." This series will focus on several people identified in scripture as having a heart problem. We know the symptoms of trouble with our physical heart, but the problems of the spiritual heart can be much more subtle—and more serious.
| First there was the seeker movement, and churches across America quickly began to design themselves for their intended audience. After 20 years have passed, there seems to be an almost unlimited number of ways to be innovative where church is concerned. This series provides a biblical view of what the Founder and Owner of the church has to say about what it is and does.
| The aged Apostle John gave us the third epistle discussing three men: Gaius, Diotrephes, and Demetrius. This series looks at these men to see the value of being a faithful and encouraging church member, as well as the damage that can be done by one "bad apple." In a day where we and our faith are facing great opposition, it is vital for us to learn from these biblical examples.
| In his last recorded letter, the Apostle Peter talked about some things we need to remember. The faith fundamentals he presents so carefully have sustained and strengthened the lives of generations of God's people. The mastery of fundamentals is crucial in any endeavor, even more so when we face adversity.
| This series will take us through some of the "classic" Bible passages that have been used by generations of preachers. These messages will be a challenge to the saved and an invitation to the lost. Join us as we remember that the Bible is ancient, but alive and active.
| Drawing from the Old Testament example of the book of Nehemiah, this series discusses the national & personal importance of our commitment to the House of God, which in the New Testament is the Church. In a day of so many questions, this series explains the "why" behind our public worship & service.
| The ancient prophet Isaiah gave four names to identify the character and nature of Israel's long-awaited Messiah. This series of messages will remind us of what we have when we have Jesus or what we are missing without Him.
| The church is often compared to a body and is even called, "Christ's Body." From principles that will help our church grow to dealing with ministry needs and preventing problems, this series discusses our goal of "building up" Faith Baptist Church.
| Centered in Paul's epistles to the Thessalonians, this series brings together pertinent scripture from both the Old and the New Testaments to give us a simple view of these two great events: the Rapture and the Day of the Lord.
| This series considers the great truths about life and living that Jesus gave in the Sermon on the Mount. Learn His master plan; no one is better qualified to tell us how we should live. His authority still resonates today (Matthew 7:29).
| Considering this great Psalm with insight gleaned from W. Phillip Keller's classic, "A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23," this series reminds us of the promises and provisions our Great Shepherd still gives to His hungry, harried, hurried, and hunted sheep.
| This series takes us through many Bible passages reminding us that since we need forgiveness, we must practice forgiveness. From the why to the how to, these messages help us understand this vital biblical requirement: "... forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you."
| When Bro. Hamlin came in view of a call for Senior Pastor, he brought this one-day, three-message mini-series entitled Close Encounters. Join us as we take a look in the scriptures at some who have had close encounters with God: Isaiah, Jacob, and Israel.